The Plan

The final Worcester Now | Next Citywide plan was adopted by the Planning Board on March 20, 2024. You can review the final plan document as well as the executive summary and Draft Plan overview presentation via the links below.

Click inside the box below to view the final plan, or you can follow this link.

Executive Summary

Përmbledhje ekzekutive
(Albanian / Shqiptar)

الملخص التنفيذي
(Arabic / عربي)

Resumo executivo
(Portuguese / Português)

Resumen ejecutivo
(Spanish / Español)

Muhtasari Mkuu
(Swahili / kiswahili)

Odwumayɛni Ho Nsɛm A Wɔabↄ No Mua

Tóm Tắt Chính
(Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt)

Watch or listen to an overview of the Draft Plan from the January 31st Planning Board Public Hearing.

Click here to view the draft plan overview slides used in this presentation.


Neighborhood Atlas

Zoning Analysis Dashboard

Scenario Planning Context Slides


Equity & Engagement Framework

Engagement Plan Overview

Spring Citywide Survey Report