The final Worcester Now | Next Citywide plan was adopted by the Planning Board on March 20, 2024. Watch the Draft Plan overview presentation, and review the plan here.

Watch or listen to an overview of the Draft Plan from the January 31st Planning Board Public Hearing.

Worcester Now | Next was a two-year-long citywide planning process that engaged the community on issues such as land use and urban form, housing, transportation and mobility, economic opportunity, arts and culture, recreation, open space and environment, and services and facilities.

The project generated a long-range plan that knits together past, present, and future initiatives covering the entire City, from downtown to its dozens of neighborhoods. The plan provides a coordinated roadmap for the future development and evolution of the City, and establishes a framework for more detailed studies down the road, but is not meant to be a granular study of every issue.

Thank you for helping us develop a citywide plan that focuses on inclusion, integrity, and innovation as core values guiding growth and change in the city. 

The final plan was adopted by the planning board on March 20, 2024.

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